Our Incorporation

The idea started in 2001, a teenager wanted to contribute back to her community. Through her trial and error with the community, she was capable to build her per-folio inclusive of thesis pertaining to economic perusal . She graduated and attended college, were in 2013 she received her letter patent for the incorporation. She attended a law class and receive her credit. The community was of need of aid. She noticed that there was only temporary solutions regarding food and social aids. What about the economy? She pondered and notice there was error. People who are middle class are poor. Living by pay check to pay check. If they are not careful they can become homeless. How can we prevent the rising of poverty? The economy stabilizes the communities for the community establishes its businesses, in which circulate the wealth in the community.

If the community members doesn’t have a share in the economy the community is poor. Essentially they need to sell things to attain affluent community. What if I told you that as a economic perusal I found the solution but let I explain the problem first. Business owners from other communities whom sell to impoverish community doesn’t fund these particular community development, in which they should. Thus are striping the community of its currency.Community members are not receiving enough funds to develop their community.The community is not servicing their public. Therefore, subsidy is needed to be given. Funds in which is used to circulate wealth back into a impoverish community. Funds for grocery and rent. People from impoverish community are spending money to build others’ community. Business owned by outsiders of the community are hindering community development. This is unfair. We need to help those that are on the brink of poverty. Whitemaling refers to the direct deprivation of a community, caused by outsider through business exchange. It seems harmless but it is not; it is devastating for an impoverished community within development. I cannot resolve global poverty overnight but I can restore wealth back into various communities. Poverty globally is a crisis and we are working across the clock to resolve it. We decide to give emergency subsidy to those that lost their job. We help students that need emergency fund. Our team has funded this project from 2013. Please take notice of our cause. Poverty in the 21 century should not occur for we have the technology and social advancement to resolve poverty. We realize that with your support we can develop a technique in which help the misfortunate. With your help and donation we can establish a secure community for the poor. Our company is looking forward to open a food store, solely for feeding the poor. We are raising money to establish this community store.


Are You Looking For Cash?


Royal Counts

Hello, I am Ms. Gordon – The CEO of a non-profit called Ashakayan Philanthropy Incorporation. The object in which the incorporation is incorporated is the relief of poverty, to relief poverty by providing food and other basic supplies to a person of low income. Establishing, operating & maintaining shelter for the homeless, providing counseling & other similar programs to relief poverty.

I created an android app in hopes that members from various communities would contribute to each others progress, in doing so, we created a system of aid. Our app allows for the pooling of contributions towards the relief of poverty among our members. All app’s services are free. All I need is your support. The contribution of $3 , or for better word tithe, 3/4 goes toward the relief of poverty and the 1/4 goes to the up keep of the incorporation . In order to continue its duties. Our organization is looking for 2 million subscribers to start. Our goal is to reach billions in subscribers. In which we can subsidize many Pardnas’s members out of poverty.

Our Mission

We are asking the globe to help with African diaspora businesses success. We are face with economical deprivation because we are not part taking in business exchanges. We need more people from our community servicing, so that the community of African diaspora can strive. We are anticipating lower crime rate and safer infrastructure by providing grants to business. We are fundraising and distributing grants to the best innovative idea. Our community needs more entrepreneurs that supports community development. We are asking to fundraise to provide grants to small businesses and, we are fundraising to provide food to low-income families. There is approximately 1 billion African descendants in the world. Together we can network and employ and secure proper black businesses. We are asking for 3 dollars a month towards our cause. You are free to donate any amount. We except cents or dollars. All fund goes toward our initiatives and compensation. We are hoping to resolve economical deprivation by keeping African descendants’ self sufficient through business development. Everyone from our community should have a family business or be a share holder for currency to rotate in our community. With your help we can provide food and supplies to the community. Thank you for supporting our cause. Tell a friend share our URL.

Follow us on our social media page as facebook, Instagram, twitter, ticktock, or download afrosales app.